Traditional Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is one of our services that can relieve you of chronic and acute pain and help you recover from injuries. Stimulates your body’s innate balance and flow.
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
These all-natural blends are rich in the nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants your body needs to promote relaxation and healing from within.
TCM Tuina (Medical Acupressure Therapy)
Tuina massage stimulates the flow of qi to promote balance and harmony within the body using many of the same principles of acupuncture.
TCM Medical Cupping
The release of pain-killing chemicals during cupping promotes the natural healing process and encourages better blood flow. Our comfortable, painless cupping therapy will rejuvenate your balance and mental wellness.
TCM Nutrition Consultation
Meet with a licensed acupuncturist to discuss your current diet, dietary preferences, and provide suggestions of herbs.
Our Specialties
● Lower back pain
● Neck pain
● Chemotherapy pain management
● Women’s health
● Sports injury
● Indigestion
● Post Stroke Recovery
● Anxiety/Depression/PTSD
● Dementia/Alzheimer’s/Parkinson Diseases
We accept most Insurance plans that cover acupuncture. We are in-network with:
● Aetna
● Cigna,
● United Healthcare,
● VACNN (Veterans Community Provider in Maryland)
Charges without Insurance Coverage:
● Traditional Acupuncture Treatment: $125/treatment up to 60min.
● TCM Medical Cupping: $70/session up to 30min.
● TCM Tuina (Medical Acupressure Therapy): $125/treatment up to 60min.
● TCM Nutrition Consultation: $65/session up to 30min.